Things I learned today

Things I learned today:

  • When the temperature finally rises just above freezing after several days of extreme cold, the feeling of spring is suddenly in the air. I was almost tempted into wearing just a T-shirt. Almost.
  • After 8 weeks, my hair has grown sufficiently to have another haircut and not look bald when it's done.
  • If your spinning wheel is misbehaving, it may need a serious tune up. In this case: taking it apart, flipping the wheel around, oiling everything, and aligning the wheel and flyer properly while gently tightening the screws. Take that, drive band! (The drive band has not come off since I did this!)
  • Writing a bio of 125-150 words about yourself is really difficult. I stranded at 102.

Things I will no doubt learn tomorrow:

  • It takes more than a single day of temperatures hovering slightly above freezing to thaw all the snow on the front lawn. It currently looks like another week wouldn't make much difference either.
  • A good hair cut does not prevent major episodes of terrible "morning hair". On the contrary.
  • After putting linseed oil all over your spinning wheel, you probably should let it dry for a day or so.
  • You can have an entire night of nightmares of bits about yourself that you had completely forgotten but should have added to that bio before sending it off.
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About Tineke

Flemish Belgian formerly living in the US, now back home. Eternally amazed at the world around her. Knitter, (sometimes) yarn spinner, returning long distance runner, ex academic historian of China and East Asia. Opinionated about chocolate and beer.

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